It takes a world to end violence against children


Every child is precious, and yet more than one billion children worldwide are affected by violence every year.  As a member of the global partnership initiated by the United Nations to End Violence against Children, World Vision has launched the "It takes a world to end violence against children" global campaign to call for better protection of children in the countries and regions we work in. This campaign brings key actors together to listen to the voices of children and youth, and to make positive changes in the lives of the most vulnerable children, contributing to the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals. 

In China, World Vision launched the End Domestic Violence Against Children campaign in 2018. We thrive for every girl and boy in China to be safe from domestic violence, and to live and grow in a positive and caring environment. Around 24.7% of families experience domestic violence of various degrees, with women and children being the main victims. Children suffering from domestic violence is more difficult to detect, and requires the effort at every level of society to overcome.

World Vision China's five year campaign to end domestic violence against children uses the World Health Organization-led INSPIRE: Seven Strategies for Ending Violence Against Children as an action framework. This strategy adopts best practices to guide the implementation of activities, push for child-centered policies, promotes positive parent-child relationships and improved socio-economic assistance.

Our Goal: Every girl and boy in China is protected from domestic violence and can grow up in a positive and caring environment.

  1. Community members, parents and caregivers have the capacity to protect children from domestic violence.
  2. Children and youth have the capacity to protect themselves and their peers from domestic violence, and participate in dialogues with decision makers.
  3. Laws and policies to protect children from domestic violence are implemented effectively. 
  4. More social organizations have the resources and capacity to respond to issues related to domestic violence 

Our Approach

  1. “Happy Family”: We use Children Centers to carry out “Happy Family” themed educational activities in the project areas we operate in. Through games and experiential learning, children and parents learn positive ways to communicate with each other.  
  2. Child participation: Children are not only the recipient of assistance, with the right support, children can be a strong voice for child protection, something often unheeded by adults. World Vision China encourages child participation. We facilitate children to stage drama performances and use ways to express their concern about violence in their communities to government agencies and other decision makers.
  3. Support the capacity building of social organizations: We help strengthen the knowledge and capacity of social organizations to prevent and respond to domestic violence that is in line with the Anti-Domestic Violence Law. 
  4. End Violence Against Children Campaign: World Vision partners with corporations, welfare organizations, family education experts and influential celebrities to promote better parent-child communication and family harmony, to raise awareness about violence against children and the need to strengthen child protection in our society.
  • On June 1 to 2, 2018, World Vision China partnered with Guangzhou Parc Central and supported by Zhan’ai Foundation, Starbucks, Faber-Castell and other non-profit organizations and corporations to launch the “环抱爱,向暴力说Bye嘉年华” awareness carnival. Through light-hearted activities such as art and games, children learned about violence and how to address violence together with their parents. Alex Fong, the End Violence Against Children campaign ambassador, was present to interact with children and encourage the public to help stop violence against children and to strengthen the protection of children.
  • On March 8 to 10, 2019, World Vision China collaborated with SOCAM Development Limited to organize the “一家相聚,温馨拥抱” event where families are encouraged to take and submit creative family photos. Through the support of SOCAM, this activity was able to reach a wider audience and encouraged more expression of love among families. Many innovative and heartwarming photos were uploaded and attracted 40,000 votes. This activity was simultaneously held in SOCAM-owned malls in Chengdu, Nanjing and Tianjin, attracting many from the public to stop and participate.
  • Beginning 2020, as the global pandemic pushes more families into isolation and cause more family frictions, World Vision China took the step to move this campaign online. With the support from artist such as Alex Fong, Fung So Bor and Timmy Hung, influencers, early childhood education experts as well as corporations such as Lee Kum Kee and Mustela, we launch themed online campaigns to promote positive parenting and to help more parents improve their communication with children.

World Vision China It Takes A World to End Domestic Violence Against Children online campaigns:
June 2020 – 5 Love Languages campaign
November 2020 – The Tongue: A Double-Edged Sword campaign
June 2021 - Battled of the Dads campaign 

June 2022 - #MoreThanJustAMom# campaign 

OUR Projects